What is this proposed class action about?
This is a proposed class action alleging that, among other things, Starbucks Coffee Canada, Inc. (“Starbucks”) Store Managers in the Province of Ontario are “working managers” who are entitled to overtime pursuant to Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, 2000 (the “ESA”). The action alleges that Starbucks violated the ESA and its contracts of employment with its Store Managers by misclassifying them as exempt from overtime under the ESA and failing to pay overtime pay in accordance with the ESA.
I am a current or former Store Manager for Starbucks. Does this concern me?
The proposed class action has been brought on behalf of all current and former employees who held the position of Store Manager at Starbucks-operated stores in Ontario from October 1, 2014 to the date of certification
What is the purpose of registering on the www.starbuckscanadaclassaction.com website?
If you register, you will get updates on this proposed class action as it proceeds. As well, if you grant us permission, we may get in touch with you to find out more about your personal experience.
Will Starbucks be told that I’ve registered?
No. Registration is not a pre-requisite for compensation. The purpose of registration is so that we can provide you with updates on this litigation, and for us to gather anonymized information about the class.
Do I need to register in order to be eligible for compensation if this proposed class action is successful?
No. Registration is not a pre-requisite for compensation. The purpose of registration is so that we can provide you with updates on this litigation, and for us to gather anonymized information about the class.
I left Starbucks before October 1, 2014. Can I still register for this proposed class action?
You can register if you wish to be provided with updates on the progress of this litigation. Unfortunately, however, because the proposed class period begins on October 1, 2014, former Store Managers who left before that date will not receive compensation in the event this class action is successful. The cut-off date was chosen as a starting point based on a number of legal considerations.
What is a certification hearing?
A judge has to decide whether this case can continue as a class action. If Starbucks does not agree that the case can be a class action, a judge will hold a public “certification hearing”. If the plaintiff wins the certification hearing, the case will continue as a class action and notice that the case has been certified will be delivered to class members. If the plaintiff loses the certification hearing and all appeals, the proposed class action will be over. The certification hearing does not decide whether the defendant’s actions were wrong, only whether the case can continue as a class action.